Photos of Sun Set (97)
There are (97) photos of the keyword, Sun Set, available on our website. They are pictured below.The pictures are organized by category.
#302 — A black and white scenic photo taken of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco from the Presidio. Today the Presidio is enjoyed through the history and beauty it contains. Within the Presidio boundaries there are more than 500 historic buildings, a collection of coastal defense fortifications, a national cemetery, an historic airfield, a saltwater marsh, forests, beaches, native plant habitats, coastal bluffs, miles of hiking and biking, and some of the most spectacular vistas in the world... not to mention the spectacular views of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Black & White Golden Gate Bridge
#204 — A pretty view at Lake Tahoe during July 2004. Lake Tahoe is the second deepest lake in the United States and the tenth deepest in the world, with a maximum depth measured at 1,645 ft (501 m), average depth of 1,000 ft (305 m). The Lake Tahoe Basin was formed by geologic block (normal) faulting about 2 to 3 million years ago. A geologic block fault is a fracture in the Earth's crust causing blocks of land to move up or down. Snow, rain, and streams filled the southern and lowest part of the basin, forming the ancestral Lake Tahoe. Modern Lake Tahoe was shaped and landscaped by the scouring glaciers during the Ice Age. Many streams flow into Lake Tahoe, but the lake is drained only by the Truckee River, which flows northeast through Reno and into Pyramid Lake in Nevada.
Lake Sunset, Lake Tahoe
#202 — A pretty view at Lake Tahoe during July 2004. Lake Tahoe is the second deepest lake in the United States and the tenth deepest in the world, with a maximum depth measured at 1,645 ft (501 m), average depth of 1,000 ft (305 m). The Lake Tahoe Basin was formed by geologic block (normal) faulting about 2 to 3 million years ago. A geologic block fault is a fracture in the Earth's crust causing blocks of land to move up or down. Snow, rain, and streams filled the southern and lowest part of the basin, forming the ancestral Lake Tahoe. Modern Lake Tahoe was shaped and landscaped by the scouring glaciers during the Ice Age. Many streams flow into Lake Tahoe, but the lake is drained only by the Truckee River, which flows northeast through Reno and into Pyramid Lake in Nevada.
Shadow over the Mountains, Lake Tahoe
#201 — A pretty view at Lake Tahoe during July 2004. Lake Tahoe is the second deepest lake in the United States and the tenth deepest in the world, with a maximum depth measured at 1,645 ft (501 m), average depth of 1,000 ft (305 m). The Lake Tahoe Basin was formed by geologic block (normal) faulting about 2 to 3 million years ago. A geologic block fault is a fracture in the Earth's crust causing blocks of land to move up or down. Snow, rain, and streams filled the southern and lowest part of the basin, forming the ancestral Lake Tahoe. Modern Lake Tahoe was shaped and landscaped by the scouring glaciers during the Ice Age. Many streams flow into Lake Tahoe, but the lake is drained only by the Truckee River, which flows northeast through Reno and into Pyramid Lake in Nevada.
Sky, Mountains, and Sunset of Lake Tahoe
#299 — This is a scenic picture taken of the Golden Gate Bridge at the Presidio in San Francisco. It was taken just about as the sun was going to set as you can see from the changing colors in the sky. Today the Presidio is enjoyed by many people through the history and beauty it contains. Within the Presidio boundaries there are more than 500 historic buildings, a collection of coastal defense fortifications, a national cemetery, an historic airfield, a saltwater marsh, forests, beaches, native plant habitats, coastal bluffs, miles of hiking and biking, and some of the most spectacular vistas in the world... not to mention the spectacular views of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Golden Gate Bridge Scene
#301 — This is a scenic picture taken of the Golden Gate Bridge at the Presidio in San Francisco. It was taken though some trees just as the sun was going to set as you can see from the changing colors in the sky. Today the Presidio is enjoyed by many people through the history and beauty it contains. Within the Presidio boundaries there are more than 500 historic buildings, a collection of coastal defense fortifications, a national cemetery, an historic airfield, a saltwater marsh, forests, beaches, native plant habitats, coastal bluffs, miles of hiking and biking, and some of the most spectacular vistas in the world... not to mention the spectacular views of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Golden Gate Bridge Through Trees